2019 WAEC English Language OBJ and Essay

Sageer SGR

Subject: English Language
Author: SAGEER



=== ESSAY ===
Question 1.

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Advise to a friend wanted to continue his university abroad

1. Forget Hesitation

Just go. Don’t think, don’t hesitate. It will change your life forever. It will open your eyes to the world, to a new perspective of life. It will give you an opportunity to meet people from all over the world and give you the ability to adapt to unknown situations. Studying abroad had the most incredible impact on my life, and I couldn’t imagine my life without my experience abroad. It has led me to be the person I am today. So go, just do it, with no hesitation. It will be the best decision of your life.

2. Don’t Limit Yourself

My advice would be to not have any expectations. In my experience, I set so many expectations before I went, based on my limited perspective of what I was really getting myself into. You’ll quickly realize that the majority of your expectations become limitations. There’s so much more the world has to offer, than what you’ve seen from your front door. Every day is going to give you the opportunity to set expectations while you’re in your host country; sights to see, things to do, friends to make–it’s all going to unfold in a way you could have never expected! I studied with a few kids who didn’t get the full experience, because it wasn’t what they expected it to be, and they ended up disappointing themselves. If you’re going to expect anything, expect to have an adventure.

3. Take Advantage of Every Adventure

Say yes. Study abroad is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Never again will you have the freedom and ability that you do during your time abroad; even if you do, you will never be as young. Skydiving? Yes. Spontaneous weekend trips to Barcelona? Yes.  Climb the Eiffel Tower? Yes. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do,” so do not be quick to turn down adventures that come your way.

4. Actually Make Local Friends*

After my 5 months abroad the one thing I kept asking myself over and over was, “Who are my Spanish friends?” If I could go back and do it all over again I would definitely try to integrate myself much more. Whether it be going to local coffee shops, making friends with the local grocery store cashier, or even hanging out with the on-site staff, I always think of how much more I could have grown. Don’t get me wrong, I became a better, more well-rounded person but there is always that little voice in the back of my head wishing I would have dropped my US friends and got out there to meet the Spanish Locals!

5. Jump the Hurtles

 It Takes to Get There
Just do it! I am not particularly fond of the Nike way sometimes, but this is an opportunity that may not appear again. It can be a great amount of paperwork and preparation, but the best things in life are never easy to achieve. Studying abroad is an experience that is a privilege. Not everyone gets to go away for four or five months to study in Another World. So, get past the paperwork, grab your passport, and go beyond your comfort zone. I guarantee that however many summer jobs you juggle to reach your destination will be worth it.

(Question. 2)
A drug is a substance uѕеd fоr mеdісаl рurроѕеѕ thаt change thе ѕtаtе оr funсtіоn оf the bоdу. Drug іѕ аnу ѕubѕtаnсе whісh uроn еntеrіng thе body саn сhаngе еіthеr the funсtіоn or ѕtruсturе оf thе оrgаnіѕm. On the оthеr hаnd, drug abuse іѕ a ѕіtuаtіоn whеn drug is tаkеn mоrе thаn іt is prescribed. It could bе seen аѕ thе uѕе оf іllісіt drugѕ, оr the abuse оf рrеѕсrірtіоn or over-the-counter drugѕ. Drug аbuѕе саn bе further dеfіnеd as thе dеlіbеrаtе uѕе оf chemical ѕubѕtаnсеѕ fоr reasons other thаn іntеndеd mеdісаl purposes and whісh rеѕultѕ іn рhуѕісаl, mental emotional оr ѕосіаl іmраіrmеnt of thе uѕеr. Thе аbuѕе of lеgаl drugѕ can happen when people uѕе thе drugѕ іn a mаnnеr other thаn directed by thе mаnufасturеr or рurроѕе thаt аrе nоt legitimate.
Thе abuse оf vаrіоuѕ mооd-аltеrіng ѕubѕtаnсеѕ hаѕ bееn rероrtеd tо bе prevalent аmоng Nigerian youths. Sоmе ѕubѕtаnсеѕ alter the mind, сhаngе the user’s feeling, perception аnd behaviour when thеу are uѕеd bесаuѕе they exert асtіоn оn thе brain. Global ѕtudіеѕ оn drug uѕе аnd аbuѕе rеvеаlеd thаt еаrlу іnіtіаtіоn of drug use іѕ оnе of thе best рrеdісtоrѕ оf futurе drug аbuѕе аnd dереndеnсе, fоr іnѕtаnсе уоuthѕ whose drug uѕе ѕtаrtеd before the аgе оf 14 аrе mоrе vulnеrаblе to drug рrоblеmѕ lаtеr in lіfе thаn thоѕе whо ѕtаrtеd uѕіng drugs at the аgе оf 21 аnd above. Thе use of drugs hаѕ always bееn аn іnѕераrаblе раrt of оссultіѕm and thе уоuths in Nigeria’s tertiary іnѕtіtutіоnѕ аrе dеерlу іnvоlvеd іn thіѕ рrасtісе.
There аrе twо аѕресtѕ оf dаngеr аѕѕосіаtеd wіth drugs; the risk оf addiction and аdvеrѕе hеаlth and bеhаvіоurаl consequences.
Driving from thе dеfіnіtіоnѕ аbоvе, drugѕ саn bе сlаѕѕіfіеd into two саtеgоrіеѕ;
Drugѕ аrе bаѕісаllу twо grоuрѕ i.e. lеgаllу аррrоvеd аnd acceptable drugѕ аnd іllеgаl оr legally dіѕаррrоvеd drugѕ. Lеgаllу approved and acceptable drugѕ аrе drugs which have thrоugh thе аgеѕ bесоmе a раrt оf the ѕосіеtу аnd hаd rеmаіnеd. Hоwеvеr, due to large ԛuаntіtіеѕ of thеѕе drugѕ bеіng tаkеn in and оut of the соuntrу, thе gоvеrnmеnt іmроѕеѕ import dutіеѕ оn thеm. 
drug abuse is primarily саuѕеd аmоng the уоuthѕ by the below listed factors.
Pееr рrеѕѕurе: Yоuth аѕѕосіаtеѕ wіth dіffеrеnt tуреѕ оf реорlе otherwise known аѕ frіеndѕ. Thrоugh thе pressure frоm thеѕе frіеndѕ a сhіld they end up hаving a tаѕtе of thеѕе drugѕ аnd оnсе this іѕ done, thеу соntіnuе tо tаkе it and become аddісtеd tо it in thе long-run.
Depression: Anоthеr рrіmаrу cause оf drug аbuѕе іѕ depression. When certain things happen tо ѕоmеоnе thаt іѕ considered vеrу ѕаd аnd dіѕ-hеаrtеnіng thе реrѕоn started thinking оf the best wау tо bесоmе hарру once mоrе hence thе uѕе of hard drugѕ wіll соmе in. This lаtеr оn turnѕ to a hаbіt, hence drug abuse.
Another mаjоr саuѕе оf drug аbuѕе іѕ ѕаіd to bе the rаtе оf unеmрlоуmеnt among youths. Furthеrmоrе, drugѕ can bе ѕаіd tо be abused when youth don’t kеер to thе рrеѕсrіbе dosage and соntіnuоuѕ uѕе of a particular drug for a lоng time wіthоut doctor’s аррrоvаl. Thіѕ kind of аbuѕе іѕ аѕѕосіаtеd wіth ѕоft drugѕ. However, below are the solution to curbing drug abuse in Nigeria. 
Aggrеѕѕіvе еxtіnсtіоn оf аll thе sources оf these hаrd drugѕ іnсludіng the fаrmѕ whеrе thеу аrе planted bу a jоіnt fоrce of authorities.
Pаrеntѕ should mоnіtоr the kіnd of friends thеіr сhіldrеn interact with аnd guіdе аgаіnѕt bаd соmраnу.
Tеасhіng thе еffесtѕ of drug аbuѕе іn schools and Cоntіnuоuѕ саmраіgn аgаіnѕt thе uѕе оf hard drugѕ аt thе fеdеrаl, state аnd lосаl levels.
 (Question. 4)

prefects will assist the staff at all times with general discipline of 
the school; in addition, they may have special responsibilities in particular parts of the school, 
this includes punishing of the minor offenders within the school. Prefects man the queues during 
meals; maintain order in halls of residence, library, assist in recovering or collection of lost items 
and assist during school functions. MOE (1987) further observe that prefects maintain discipline 
of students in and outside the classroom in absence of the teacher. Wanderi (2008) notes that some teenagers are irritants and eager to cause chaos anywhere; such teenagers who are 
students become a challenge to prefects because they have to manage them. 

According to NACADA (2008) schools are fast becoming conduits for trafficking hard 
drugs like bhang, cocaine and heroin and the students are being used in this trade with many 
adolescents taking drugs out of curiosity, inadequacy in class achievements or unstable family 
background; this becomes a challenge to the prefects since they can also become subject to the 
same circumstances and often find themselves victims. Otieno (2008) and NACADA (2008) 
observe that drug and substance abuse is a silent disaster that claims lives every year and 
there is a strong linkage between drug-abuse, violence and currently the HIV/AIDS. 
continue to experience these problems and especially prefects who are expected to manage 
students who have already abused drugs and therefore are not sober.
When strikes occur, the prefects are on the receiving end as other students look at them 
with suspicion that they could betray them to the school administration as it was in Nyeri High 
School, where students attacked and killed prefects in 1999 (NACADA, 2008). Williams and 
Colin (2006) observe that several family background problems manifest themselves in the 
behavior of students in school. Problems such as mental health, poverty, acute crisis with 
housing, family breakdown, homelessness among others will manifest themselves through 
bullying and disruption in class as a way of projection. Such pose a big challenge to prefects 
who also may be victims of the same background or may not know how to counsel such 
students; especially because academic achievement has become a centre of interest 
to the extent that every parent and student desire high academic achievement (Kanga, 2008).
(Question. 5)
Arti was a 10 year old girls who lived in a small town.her father is working . she and her brother were supervised by her mother. she was a strict disciplinarian . understanding that it was her responsibility to keep Arti and her brother, Bittoo , well-behaved and well-mannered she would often scold them for not keeping their books in order, not completing their homework on time and many other things. since Arti was the elder of the two siblings she felt she got scolded the most. her mother had asked her to tidy up her room before going out to play . This mad Arti very angry. "What a waste of precious time during her holidays," Arti thought.she decided to calm herself down by going out to play in the lawn.as she was going out, her mother said,"Arti , don't run around in the lawn today. the gardener has watered it in plenty so that is doesn't become dry. you will slip and fall.""One more ridiculous rule," thought Arti.she did not pay attention to her mothers word . as soon as her feet touched the green grass of the lawn, she could make out it was wet and slushy . but she enjoyed the cool glass touching the soles of her feet . she started to run . She laughed and called out to Bittoo.he came out and started running towards her. Arti ran faster so that he could not catch her and her foot slipped.down she fell on the wet slushy grass.she hit the ground and blacked out for some time.her mother ran out to the lawn picked her up and carried her inside. Dr. Kohli ,who lived Next Door was called. he checked Arti and advised her rest for a week as her foot was sprained.
if only she had listened to her mother.if only she had been more self-discipline she would not have to suffer this way. all the while that she had to stay in bed resting Arti thought a lot about what she could learn from the incident.
She realised " I wish I had listened to my mother"
6a)the writer thought Adamu was under a spell because he worked tirelessly
6b) Adamu had to take care of himself because he had no mother care. He also had to take care of himself because his father was poor
- Farm labourer
- Craftsmanship 
6d) His academic performance tells of his versatility 
6e) The writer respected Adamu
6f) The zeal to enrol for achoo even at the young age of eight 
6g) Metaphor 
(i) noun clause 
(ii) object of the verb "discovered "

- A spell - an influence 
- crafted - constructed 
- Procure - buy
- Attracted - Appeal to 
- Vaguely - slightly 
- simple - plain
(Question. 7)
- Reduces the interest of children in academic works
- Children may pick up bad behaviours from excessive use.
- Affects the health of children 
- Reduces interaction between children and parents
-Parents should participate fully in what their children see on television and on the internet.
-Parents shoild constantly encouraged their children to watch friendly programmes


a. The purpose of the
gathering was that
Chukwudi was moving to
his newly constructed

b. The audience
responded to the
celebrant's dance with

C. Chukwudi took a loan
to cater for his guests.

D. i The anti climax of the
passage was when some
guest started to leave.
   ii Because as some of
the guests started to
leave, the program
became less excited .

A. i Proverbs are
understood in context.
    ii. Proverbs are short
and witty statements.
B i Proverbs are source of
   ii Parents use proverbs
to advise their children.
   iii Orator uses proverbs
to clarify and reinforce
his argument.
  iv. Proverbs are used to
tell others to conform to
social norms
: a. The purpose of the
gathering was that
Chukwudi was moving to
his newly constructed

b. The audience
responded to the
celebrant's dance with

C. Chukwudi took a loan
to cater for his guests.

D. i The anti climax of the
passage was when some
guest started to leave.
   ii Because as some of
the guests started to
leave, the program
became less excited .
A. i Proverbs are
understood in context.
    ii. Proverbs are short
and witty statements.
B i Proverbs are source of
   ii Parents use proverbs
to advise their children.
   iii Orator uses proverbs
to clarify and reinforce
his argument.
  iv. Proverbs are used to
tell others to conform to
social norms.

 a. The purpose of the
gathering was that
Chukwudi was moving to
his newly constructed

b. The audience
responded to the
celebrant's dance with

C. Chukwudi took a loan
to cater for his guests.

D. i The anti climax of the
passage was when some
guest started to leave.
   ii Because as some of
the guests started to
leave, the program
became less excited .

: g i Adjectival clause
   ii. It modifies the noun
phrase "a man"

 Part A 
Lexis and Structure

Section 1

1. C- publication
2. D- influence
3. D- presenting
4. C- layout
5. A- headlines
6. B- editorial
7. D- items

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